231: Reluctant Spokesperson and One of the Fatter Babies

231: Reluctant Spokesperson and One of the Fatter Babies

Fat Baby Hot Sauce

Hello everyone! My name is Nate Mehren, reluctant spokesperson and one of the fatter babies. We turn the corner on our second year in a full sprint dedicated to our chili starts and an already very busy calendar of live shows. We also thought this might be a great time to start these little chats. With no delusions that anyone desperately wants to hear what's rollin’ around in my skull, I will endeavor to remain cogent, entertaining and most importantly, brief.

To that end, let me simply remind you to check back here every now and then and you’ll find either the musings of a madman or thoughts on both sides of our hot sauce business, agriculture and food manufacturing. Next week: The Fever of “Start Season.”

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