A couple of months ago we found ourselves in a bit of a conundrum and at the worst time. Tick, Tick, time just running away as we debated whether to get our starts going in the space we were in at the time or try to truly up our game and find a greenhouse to partner with. Tick, tick, tick. All of this debate (foot dragging) was really centered around whether or not we were cool with opening up our business to new partnerships. We weren’t sure whether or not this early on if we should be trying to take that step. Most of the debate internally was really about whether or not we wanted outsiders to be all up under our hood. Tick, Tick, Tick. As experienced business owners and entrepreneurs we know this is rotten, restrictive thinking, but even we fall into the traps of ego and secrecy. Tick, Tick, Tick.
But then, when centered, we remembered that we are always trying to learn. The only way to do that is to be open to someone pointing out that, “You’re doing it wrong.” The only way to be taught how much work you need is to meet folks who know way more than you. It’s actually quite easy. Everyone in their own way knows more than you.
Get off the wall, meet some people. Try new things and make new partners. We stopped debating, went and met some folks and are now primed to expand and move forward with way more knowledge than we had yesterday . . . In a greenhouse. Share, receive, return. I can’t really hear the clock anymore.